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A friend is….

So when it comes to teacher gifts (school teachers, dance teachers, Sunday School teachers, etc), I always want to give something unique to those who play such a special role in my children’s lives.  This year for our dance instructor, I had a vision for an art piece that needed an older ballet student.  I enlisted the help of my friends Paige and Grace.  I met these girls when they were just 9 years old and helped me (with my twins) in mommy-and-me dance class.  Four and half years later it is amazing to see them turning into bright, sweet, kind, loving young women.  I love to watch them dance.  They truly truly love to dance and it is clearly part of who they are.  As we were working through the shoot, it was so sweet to hear the giggles of between friends.

I went into the shoot with a vision, but it was actually an idea that Paige suggested and I ended up LOVING, which I used for the final product I was making.  Scroll down to the end of this post to see canvas!!  Thanks girls for allowing me to create MY art with YOUR art!!!!

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