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First Day of Second Grade

There is something about the first day of school that makes me really really look at my kids.  It really is amazing how much they change in just a year.  It’s also amazing to me what experiences my girls have had at just 7 years old, all that are continuing to shape who they are today.  I am so grateful for their fantastic school and for great teachers and friends.  And while it was hard to see them have their first hurt feelings with friends,  I can see how that makes them more kind and empathetic.  Both girls also had the chance last year to experience being part of a competitive team; it was hard work, but they both loved it.  When you are on a competition team, there is chance for great reward, but also great risk, and I worried about how they would respond to disappointment.  But my girls have proved to me that they are strong, dedicated, and determined .  While they are already super emotional little things, they never fail to get up and try again.  Looking at these photos, seeing the physical changes in their faces, I recognize that God will use both the good and bad things to change them for the better.  I am so proud of the girls they are now and the young ladies they will become!!  Although, let’s not talk about the growing up part….;)  Have a great year in second grade girls!!!

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